Eight thousand four hundred and one days ago, I riffed on an article I’d found on Plastic.com, about Gordon Sinclair’s device designed to fling a haggis across Calgary’s Bow River, turning it into a brief knock on the concept of patent trolls; thus, blogging. —Eight thousand, four hundred and one: twenty-three rounds of three hundred sixty-five, plus six February twenty-ninths: happy anniversary. Gifts of silver plate or imperial topaz are appropriate.
Twenty-three years, and Plastic.com has been dead and gone for twelve of them; it looks like that original news site link rotted away in 2006. But! The pier’s still here! If a bit quiet, over the twenty-second year of its existence: there was this little thing, which I still quite like, and I set down the definitive version of this bit of history, and, ah, I overthought a recent animated hit? —I mean, I also put out a book, but that’s over there, and what have I done for this, lately?
I mean, besides the complete refit and re-design. Since it went so well over at the city and all, I figured I’d tinker hereabouts, too; those who’ve been around a while might well remember what it is I’m nodding toward.
Eight thousand four hundred and one days past, and three days left to go, and then, I guess, we’ll see what we will see. Sláinte, tip your server, and please enjoy whatever it is you do enjoy.