She told conservative talk-radio host Lars Larson she thought the protesters were acting like children who lost a schoolyard fight and had gone of to “whine and complain” after police fired flash-bang grenades, rubber bullets and pepper spray into a crowd of demonstrators. (At least two people were sent to the hospital with serious injuries after being hit directly with stun grenades launched by police, and many more have reported being hurt.)
“I tell you, ‘Meet me after school at 3:00. Right? We’re gonna fight’,” Outlaw said, setting up the analogy to describe how she feels her critics are acting. “And I come with the intention to fight. And then you get mad because I kicked your butt. And then you go back and you wail off and whine and complain.”
Well, I’m seeing at least two problems right up front: first, the police should never ever under any circumstances ever go anywhere with the intention to fight. For fuck’s sake. —And second?
Lars Larson: How you doing, chief?
Chief Danielle Outlaw: I’m great. Thanks for having me today.
LL: So now how long have you been here since Oakland?
DO: 10 months.
LL: 10 months. Is Oakland a tougher city or is Portland a tougher city?
DO: Similar issues, different cultures.
LL: Different, how different?
DO: Uhhh…
LL: Come on. We’re not politically correct here.
DO: Neither am I.