Cindy Jacobs is a snake-oil huckster with a stack of unsold books to move who’s decided to tell us all that the blackbirds of Beebe were slaughtered by God because we went against His will and repealed Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.
To which I can only say, God? Next time You want to send a message? —Try Western Union. The only moral, ethical, righteous, human response to a God that is this cruel and this petty and this smarmily vain, this pathetic, is to turn and walk away.
“In a just universe, you burn in Hell. Forever.” —If so, dear God, fuck You. You made us better than You knew.
It’s especially amusing to think that God would be so upset with gays in the military, rather than the military itself. Is it necessary to repeat that Massachusetts has had full-on gay marriage for years (none of this wussy civil union stuff) and nothing happened at all, except a bunch of happy gay people. Apparently, God is OK with gay marriage.