hello my name is thurber and this is an answer to a question
i have an email right here
well over there in the email program
it says whats going on
where is the pier
where is poppa
only it doesnt say poppa it says kip
and by pier it means the blog that poppa does
because the blog has pier in the title
and so i will tell the email what is going on
and you too
it is rabbit day
i mean rabbit hole day
thats what poppa said
he left his laptop open on the bed and said
its rabbit hole day
go ahead
you guys and maybe ill let you
cat blog all day
there is a link i would put in a link but i asked beezel and he lost patience and said i should learn how to paste the referent in the anchor or just use textile anyway and i dont know what that means and hes trying to get in here so ill let him back off beezel okay now okay
Jesus, Thurber. Typing straight into the blogging software like that. That’s for kids and Luddites. And could you use a proper title? And the shift frickin’ key? Anyway. Here’s the link. Now. Can I interest you fine folks out there in this cashier’s check I’ve got for a hundred thousand dollars? I can’t cash it myself for obvious reasons, but if you were to go to the bank with me and cash it for me, I’d be willing to split it sixty-forty, you know?
actually i have to say i when i said i had an email right here
it was an email i had beezel write
so i could say i had an email right here
and not be lying
only i was right when i said it
not wrong
because the email was right there since i had beezel write it and all
and if youre wrong youre not lying
so if youre not wrong i dont know
but i do know beezel doesnt have a cashiers check he has a piece of paper and he tried to write cashiers check on it just in case only it doesnt look right and anyway i think he put not enough zeroes in one hundred thousand
and im right about that
and im not lying
so that works out okay but i still dont know about the lying part
anyway i hope that answers the question i told him to ask in the email which is why i wrote this