In case you’ve got less than half an ear on what THEY’re saying about the Gaza and you’re wondering Mads who?—
I am appalled by the terrorists attacks, but I am just as appalled by the suffering the USA has inflicted on others. It is in this context the deaths of 5,000 people must be viewed. If the US government has the legitimate right to bomb and kill civilians in Iraq, those who are oppressed also have a moral right to attack the USA with whatever weapons they can create. Dead civilians are the same, whether they are Americans, Palestinians or Iraqis.
Which is from the bad mad days of November 2001, which is when Solveig Torvik of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer said this about what Dr. Gilbert said:
Yes, dead civilians are the same. But are the reasons they are dead always the same? I think not. That’s where critical distinctions must be made. When civilians die, it matters whether they die as intended or unintended targets. To me, it matters whether you die in the service of liberty or tyranny.
Hear, hear! More light less heat, we always say. But how does one ensure the world shall know one’s aim is ever toward liberty? Perhaps a leafletting campaign?