Matt Yglesias in his typically deadpan cheek-tongued fashion has suggested a Sistah Souljah moment for those Democratic candidates in the market:
…I thought I might suggest Project Pat’s “Tell Tell Tell (Stop Snitchin’)” as a good candidate.
He cites fellow Atlantician Jeremy Kahn for support:
Police and prosecutors have been contending with reluctant witnesses for decades. But according to law-enforcement experts, the problem is getting dramatically worse, and is reflected in falling arrest and conviction rates for violent crimes…
The reasons for witnesses’ reluctance appear to be changing and becoming more complex, with the police confronting a new cultural phenomenon: the spread of the gangland code of silence, or omerta, from organized crime to the population at large. Those who cooperate with the police are labeled “snitches” or “rats”—terms once applied only to jailhouse informants or criminals who turned state’s evidence, but now used for “civilian” witnesses as well. This is particularly true in the inner cities, where gangsta culture has been romanticized through rap music and other forms of entertainment, and where the motto “Stop snitching,” expounded in hip-hop lyrics and emblazoned on caps and T-shirts, has become a creed.
But it seems silly to leap so quickly yet again for gangsta shibboleths when a much more probable proximate cause is at hand: cops, after all, are tasing people during routine traffic stops and for not removing their hats in city council meetings; they’re pepper-spraying infants; tackling, tasing, and pepper-spraying blind grandmothers; they’re enforcing draconian laws against the very act of sitting on public sidewalks. —Hearts and minds, people, hearts and minds; why on earth would anyone help a force so obviously arrayed against them?
Just imagine the press a Democratic candidate could garner by Sistah-Souljahing the police, to shame them into protecting and serving all of us…
Yeah, I’m sure the party of John Kerry and of bipartisan “free speech” zones really cares about (y)our imaginings. While we’re at it, let’s all imagine that dirty cat litter is gold dust, too. Okay ?