Yeah, see, apparently? There was this football scandal or something was it last weekend or the weekend before where some guy from one team videotaped some guy from some other team and got caught and I’m not real clear on what the whole videotaping thing is about, maybe copyright violation or something, except I’m not sure how that’s cheating, I haven’t really been paying attention, but I haven’t paid much attention to football since the Superbowl Shuffle, to tell the truth, but anyway, football isn’t so much germane to the explanation you deserve.
Football comes into it because I read the Poor Man and he goes on about football and today he linked to a Gregg Easterbrook column about the whole cheating videotape thing and I know, Gregg Easterbrook, gah, but hear me out, okay? In the middle of this column on the whole cheating videotape thing which apparently is as important as that MoveOn ad in the scheme of things entire (though I am being unfair, perhaps, as Gregg Easterbrook is a sports columnist, and what are else is a sports columnist to write about but sports? Perhaps how the numinous might impact superstring theory? Ha ha), but anyway, in the middle of this column, Gregg Easterbrook said the following:
And if you’re tempted to say, “Gregg, at worst this is just cheating in some dumb football games,” here’s why the affair matters: If a big American institution such as the NFL is not being honest with the public about a subject as minor, in the scheme of things, as the Super Bowl, how can we expect American government and business to be honest with the public about what really matters?
And ever since I read that, I’ve been screaming and screaming and screaming and I cannot stop and that’s why I’m trying to pound my head through your wall I’m sorry but there it is aaaaaaaaaaaaa—
That Domo-kun gets around.