I confess that, in these days of blogroll amnesty, I worry how much longer I’ll be able to claim a spot on the rolls of both the Valve and the Weblog. (Have neither of them noticed how far behind I’ve fallen in the reading? Even the title’s secondhand!) —Ah, well. I can just go cue up “Sailing Day” again, and if that doesn’t do the trick, there’s always another fight elsewhere.
Looks like the same old seven-year-old fight to me, helmed by the same asshats as ever. Remind me again, why a temper tantrum by idiots in a gilded veal pen should be any more likely to wrench an “apology” from me than it was the first 4,673,999 times ? Seven years later, they have still learned nothing, and still have my open invitation to go fuck themselves.
Happy V-Day.