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If “other” and “others” are before your eyes,
Then a mosque is no better
Than a Christian cloister;
But when the garment of “other” is cast off by you,
The cloister becomes a mosque.

A random trail of breadcrumbs ends unceremoniously at this Pajamas Media piece on “The Islamification of Europe’s Cathedrals,” which asserts (from Los Angeles) with a straight (if pop-eyed, sweat-soaked) face that—

The recuperation of places and buildings that were once mosques or sacred Islamic sites is the primary method employed by Muslims to reconquer Al-Ándalus. So-called moderate Muslims are oftentimes more effective than extremists in gaining concessions because of their attempts to portray Western democracies as intolerant if those countries don’t cede to certain demands. This technique has been used repeatedly in the case of the Córdoba Cathedral.

Meanwhile, they’ve started whispering that Barack Hussein Obama is some sort of Wahabbist Manchurian candidate. —They really have gone around the bend, haven’t they? They really aren’t coming back, are they? I mean, I know this, but Jesus good God damn.

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