On the one hand, 52% of America supports impeachment of the president, assuming he wiretapped American citizens without judicial approval (which he did, has been doing since he took office, and intends to keep right on doing, dammit); on the other, Jonah Goldberg and his ilk see no problem at all with a complete abrogation of constitutional rights—assuming the abrogatee is a drug dealer, or a terrorist, or related to a drug dealer, or a terrorist, or could conceivably have dealt drugs or terror at some point, or, y’know, looks like they might have, or is just, heck, evil, because we all know evil when we see it, so long as it isn’t him, or anyone he gives a fuck about, he’s cool, so what the hell is your problem, you liberal no-goodnik?
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Thanks to my perusing your blog, specifically, "long story; short pier", I have arrived at what I believe is a defensible inference. Both you and your readers would welcome news of in-your-face overt opposition to your "smirking chimp", my "dum'ya botch".
In plainer terms, I want to run for Representative for Pennsylvania's 10th Congressional District on a platform calling for the impeachment of President George Walker Bush.
Incidentally, I deliberately referred to your blog, to indicate that I visited your blog as an individual, and not as a spammer. Yes, that last is an illustion to a "pre-deconstruction" chick flick with a rating of two and a half hankies.
Ah, before you click on any of the enclosed hyperlinks, please read the entirely of my comment. For example, the three planks I nailed together in my platform out to get me elected. "impeach bush" is the first plank. The second is "impeach bush". The third is like the second, "impeach bush".
To continue, the first hyperlink below leads to the opening salvo of my campaign.
As for the second hyperlink, it leads to evidence that my candidacy is about more than opposition solely for the sake of opposition.
.he who is known as sefton
oh, yeah, I should add that, in Epimethean Comment, I make the case that nominating Judge Alito to the Supreme Court is tantamount to treason.
Mmmm...I found the same comment on my LJ. Same exact wording. Not spam, you say?
As for impeachment: We have the head. Then another pops up. Then another, then another. And so on. I agree in holding them accountable. But by THEM I mean all of them, in the most bipartisan spirit I can muster. After all, what is legal remains a tad frightening, in my book.
So glad you have an LJ feed, BTW.