Y’know, I’d long since thought we’d had the last word on the uselessness of Instapundit, and moved on to seek out the last word on Hinderaker (there are so many to choose from; Glenn Greenwald pretty much nails it, though, so nevermore need we sully our lips with his name again)—but Harry Hutton had to go and prove me wrong. —Also: Sebbo has the last word on a particular linguistic fallacy, and you are reading Click opera, right? Every day?
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#7: A screenplay which I have worked out in my head in such detail that it will be a trivial matter of a couple days to get it all down on paper
#12: A screenplay that combines the very best elements of several movies I adored in my childhood
#28: A screenplay that needs a little technical work by one of those detail-oriented people. I'm more of an idea person, you know.
#35: A screenplay my girlfriend thought was the most brilliant thing she'd ever seen. Even if it isn't quite finished.
#41: A bold and shocking screenplay that is too honest for those weasels in Hollywood to touch.
[...] Myths About Anthropology and Language This cracked me up. Via Kip, who comments (or quotes?) "Sadly, the Intuit culture will die before the myth about Eskimo words for snow." Speaking of which… [...]