We should get this out of the way up front: my linking to this in no wise comprises an endorsement of the nasty tangled mess known variously as “recovered memory syndrome” and “trumped-up bullshit for which entirely too many innocent people are still serving time long after it’s been debunked.” Now’s not the time to get into why and how I might find myself saying and thinking pretty much exactly the skeptical things they’d (of course) want me to say and think; it’s enough to note I’m taking the following with as much salt as I can scare up.
And yet it’s still trickling ice-water down my spine. —After all, says Jeff over at Rigorous Intuition, “we went through the looking glass a long time ago. So there’s no reason why this shouldn’t be right, unless it’s dead wrong.”
With that in mind, let him sketch for you in a handful of dust a quick little story about John Gannon and James Guckert and Johnny Gosch and James Gannon.
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