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“It’s an amazing media error, a huge blunder. I’m sure the Bush administration is thrilled by this spin.”

Yeah, I know, we could be talking about almost anything. But in this case, it’s specifically out-of-the-ass estimates of voter turn-out and its implications that got trumpeted as gospel and slung as a cudgel and are now being walked back, well, over at Editor and Publisher, at least. I don’t know that this is even being hinted at on page A15, elsewhere, out there.

—In Iraq, silly. I know, I know, it’s hard to keep up…

  1. Kevin Moore    Feb 4, 12:58 pm    #
    Everything is fine! All is going according to plan! Do not question the plan! The plan cannot fail, only we can fail the plan!

  2. Glenn    Feb 4, 03:51 pm    #
    State loudly, retract quietly.

    Sometimes, it's enough just to raise the question in the news media, e.g.: are Dubya and Condi having a secret affair? (Ideally next to a picture of Laura looking furious.)

    Enquiring minds want to know!

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