Yeah, I know, we could be talking about almost anything. But in this case, it’s specifically out-of-the-ass estimates of voter turn-out and its implications that got trumpeted as gospel and slung as a cudgel and are now being walked back, well, over at Editor and Publisher, at least. I don’t know that this is even being hinted at on page A15, elsewhere, out there.
—In Iraq, silly. I know, I know, it’s hard to keep up…
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Everything is fine! All is going according to plan! Do not question the plan! The plan cannot fail, only we can fail the plan!
State loudly, retract quietly.
Sometimes, it's enough just to raise the question in the news media, e.g.: are Dubya and Condi having a secret affair? (Ideally next to a picture of Laura looking furious.)
Enquiring minds want to know!