Maybe it’s the bourbon talking, but I just figured out the shorter meme that insists the MSM (sic; oh God, how sic) is successfully holding back the most sophisticated army on Earth with a handful of disgruntled insurgents half a world away when it couldn’t manage to rig an election in its own backyard against an incumbent with staggeringly low approval ratings and a Washington Redskins team that lost the crucial pre-election home game, and this despite its best efforts in discrediting those lovely Swift Boat chaps:
How is it the people who show us the news always just happen to be where the news they show us happens?
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It's the same conspiracy behind why you always find something in the last place you look for it.
I don't mind people wasting their own time with this sort of idle non-thoughts. But must they waste everyone else's as well?
Isn't it obvious? There is no organic insurgency; all the Iraqi people love us; they DID welcome us as liberators, with flowers and hootchie girls. The MSM, driven insane with rage at the prospect of being shown up yet again by the Smirky McChimpHitler Bushoids, became the insurgency themselves.
Al-Zarqawi? That's Barbara Walters in drag, man. You haven't heard much from Barbara lately, have you? That's because coordinating the car-bombings AND the film crews takes a lot of her time.
Beheadings are handled by CBS; ABC does random shellings and mortar attacks; CNN blows up infrastructure (Ted has a sweetheart deal with a Halliburton subsidiary; whenever the price of buffalo meat drops, another gas pipeline goes up in flames.) They don't let NBC do anything, because, well, they're NBC. FOX, of course, is behind the entire scheme; Rupert would flay his grandmother alive to get a ratings point, faking a war is nothing to him.
It would explain so much.
I'm fascinated with how "warblogging" has become an extension of "wargaming" for a certain kind of person and the sort of virtual reality it produces. I think of these thousands of people sitting at their screens linking and cross-linking while spinning theory after theory and I'm just amazed. I can't fathom it, but I am amazed. There are books to be written on this phenomenon. I hope I live to read them.