--k. Jan 29, 04:31 pm #
(One hesitates to step in and risk derailing a conversational sally that's going where it wants and doing what it likes, but nonetheless, an essential point I'd perhaps left too much to inference risks being missed: the author, personally, finds high heels to be mostly silly; the hose to be entirely too Bob Fosse, and thus passé; and, really, the entire effect to be somewhat more sullen than one might think wise, given the stated intent. Rather, the reader is invited to gawp at the spectacle of a moderately gynophillic individual whose first reaction to the above is neither DESIRE nor its handmaiden CONSUME but rather SUPERHERO(in)ES; and, thereby, to ponder what this might say about the role of women in the genre, broadly speaking, given the immediate associations attached to their expected costume, pose, and affect. —A lot, perhaps, to expect from such a short snippet. Especially from someone normally so prolix [even when not forcing a disaffected drollery]. —A picture is worth a thousand words, they tell us; trouble is: which thousand?)
GreyDuck Jan 30, 11:03 am #
Which thousand? Why, all of them!
(If I was a really clever sort, I'd actually know what I meant by that. Sadly, I'm just me.)
Methinks you're more versed/up-to-date in/on heroine chic than I, since I looked at the pic in question and didn't at all associate those outfits and poses with comic book iconography. Hence my utter failure to comment along those lines...
And so the odd trend of not wearing actual clothing but instead several layers of undergarments continues. How... odd.
Not that I necessarily have a problem with looking at women in their undergarments, mind you.
I wish those were real.
(One hesitates to step in and risk derailing a conversational sally that's going where it wants and doing what it likes, but nonetheless, an essential point I'd perhaps left too much to inference risks being missed: the author, personally, finds high heels to be mostly silly; the hose to be entirely too Bob Fosse, and thus passé; and, really, the entire effect to be somewhat more sullen than one might think wise, given the stated intent. Rather, the reader is invited to gawp at the spectacle of a moderately gynophillic individual whose first reaction to the above is neither DESIRE nor its handmaiden CONSUME but rather SUPERHERO(in)ES; and, thereby, to ponder what this might say about the role of women in the genre, broadly speaking, given the immediate associations attached to their expected costume, pose, and affect. —A lot, perhaps, to expect from such a short snippet. Especially from someone normally so prolix [even when not forcing a disaffected drollery]. —A picture is worth a thousand words, they tell us; trouble is: which thousand?)
Which thousand? Why, all of them!
(If I was a really clever sort, I'd actually know what I meant by that. Sadly, I'm just me.)
Methinks you're more versed/up-to-date in/on heroine chic than I, since I looked at the pic in question and didn't at all associate those outfits and poses with comic book iconography. Hence my utter failure to comment along those lines...