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And just what the hell is up with all that coal in Newcastle, huh?

So I’ve got a minute (a single, precious, golden minute) while I’m waiting for a database to rebuild its sorry ass, and what do I do with it? I go check out the Ain’t it Cool report on last night’s Serenity screening, that’s what I do. —Spoiler free, y’all. Almost entirely. Anyway. What else did I do? I scrolled the messages posted at the bottom (since rebuilding its sorry ass takes more than a single, precious, golden minute: I also calculated next week’s production, figured out some staffing issues, and pulled an executive decision about a document type from thin air), that’s what I did, and buried in the shitstorm, I stumbled over this gem of a plaintive cry for help:

Fucking sci-fi fanboy shit. That’s all this site cares about anymore.

Too true! Too true!

  1. david lee ingersoll    Dec 16, 03:08 pm    #
    Uh ... did aintitcool EVER care about anything besides sci-fi fanboy shit?

  2. Kevin Hayden    Dec 25, 01:31 am    #
    Happy holidays, Kip. May your festivities be undertaken with fervor and complete lack of inhibition from the forces of darkness!

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