The evidence is abundant that Kerry has no concept of unintended consequences. He has been protected from those all of his life. Nutured as he is in the ideas so dear to the Left, of victimology and irresponsibility, of class warfare and division, of “situation ethics”, nannystatism and “internationalism”, he is as ill prepared to deal with the results of his “policies” as he is to tell the truth… or even to know what truth is.
He’ll be sure to fuck it all up while remaining clueless, protesting his own innocence and blaming it all on Bush.
He simply must not be allowed to take office, no matter what the rigged results of the election may be. And we must not tolerate the kinds of post election shenanigans the dipocrats are planning.
It is our American tradition to tolerate the elction of those with whom we disagree. Gear up for the next election and try to reach some accomadation with the other side, for the good of the Nation. That has been or practice and our salvation. And we have been trying in naive good faith to accomodate the Left for most of a century, to our sorrow and peril. Most of the ills in our politics and in society generally can be ascribed to this alone.
This time, there will be nothing left of that Nation in which this was the way of peaceful and civil governance. If Kerry “wins”, it will be too late to save the Nation which showed the world the miracle of representative republican government. Our soveriegnty and our Constitution will be further demolished, our economy and military weakened, our enemies emboldened, our confidence and spirit disheartened and, most likey, we will suffer catastrophic physical attack on our own soil.
The combination of disasters ensured by a Kerry “victory” amounts to a national crisis that we simply cannot allow. In four more years, it will be far too late.
Posted by LC Jon , Imperial Hunter at October 28, 2004 11:32 PM
So yeah: one thing and another and it’s looking enough like our long national nightmare might actually be over on the third of November that I’m biting most of my down-to-the-wire nails over Measure 36.
But you know what happens when a nightmare’s over, don’t you?
You sit up, gasping, and then the alarm goes off, and you jump, and you hit the snooze button, and maybe you try to go back to sleep for another five minutes, but you can’t, so you finally get up and I hope you remember to turn off your alarm clock, or otherwise it’s going to go off while you’re in the shower and God that’s annoying, but however it ends up you make coffee in your bathrobe and if you’ve got some time you read the news, and then you go and you put on some pants and you put on a shirt and you get your jacket and your keys and your wallet and you go get on the bus and you ride downtown and you go to fucking work.
That’s what happens when a nightmare’s over.
Voting is terribly important. It’s absolutely vital. It’s also just about the least important thing we can do, politically. —Butterfly effect aside, swapping the smirched and tarnished R on the White House for a magical golden D is just the barest beginning.
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Oh, so true ... I just pray the nightmare is truly over, and I stay awake, rather than hitting the snooze button and falling right back into it. just the barest beginning...
Particularly when President Kill Instead is pledging 40,000 more troops to the Middle East than President Kill did before you voted him out. :p
Wasn't it a disaster that many of our troupes died in a war that wasn't needed?
The other night I dreamed that Bush won the election. It wasn't the main part of the dream; there was some other crisis going on, but in the background a TV was going on about the election results. I woke up, didn't remember the dream, went to work, wandered into the break room, saw an old copy of Time with Bush's face on the cover, thought offhandedly, "Damn, I can't believe he got reelected"... and then remembered that he hadn't.
That's when my nightmare was over.