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All unbeknownst, Messrs. Nielsen Hayden and Humphries are rendering my latest self-indulgence obsolete. Go: present your pants: be swiftly kicked.

  1. Patrick Nielsen Hayden    Sept 14, 03:02 pm    #
    Are you sure that was the post from my LiveJournal you meant to link to, rather than this one?

    I ask only because you also link to the full Kushner piece, which does seem redundant...

    (I'm not giving up Electrolite for LJ, btw; different words for different sub- and super-sets of friends, is all.)

  2. --k.    Sept 14, 03:58 pm    #
    Ah, I was in a hurry, and wanted to give some props to all the various folks who'd made my morning newsfeed a shivery run of steam-engine time, and I muzzily missed tapping your lively thread re: the Elitism of Despair (and, as it turns out, the provenance of the velvet in the Velvet Revolution). Thankee.

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