In the spirit of Roy Edroso’s unhealthy (but amusing; yea, amusing unto death) fixation on that perennial reactionary empowerment fantasy, “Life Among the Liberals,” I offer up this link to Rick Perlstein’s “The Church of Bush,” which I missed the first time out—despite the fact that he’s reporting on life among Portland conservatives. (Thanks to the Slacktivist for calling it to my attention.)
Elucidating the differences in approach is perhaps best left as an exercise for the reader. Wouldn’t want to spoil all your fun.
—Bruce Broussard, by the way: most recently famous for suing to get Multnomah County to stop issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Despite his righteous outrage, it was found he didn’t have standing. Just one more way activist judges and the liberal media and that darn fascist homosexual agenda are conspiring to oppress true Americans.
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Good pairing. For every cheese and cracker chewing liberal there's a Stepford wife conservative.