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Dispatches from the War on Common Sense.

Apparently, any protestor who breaks the law during the Republican National Convention in New York City should be treated as a terrorist, and prosecuted accordingly.

Protestors or terrorists?

Update! These terrorist acts will include releasing swarms of mice, giving false directions to “little blue hair ladies from Kansas,” throwing pies, and encouraging prostitutes with AIDS to seduce Republicans without condoms.

Man, I miss New York.

  1. Pharyngula    Aug 27, 06:18 am    #
    Smacking both sides of the stem cell issue
    Maybe you consider the right-wing ranter an absurd caricature, and that nobody could be that insane…but then I saw this, which comes awfully close.

    As for the left-winger, man, am I ever sick of wimpy, mealy-mouthed liberals and t...

  2. Sebbo    Aug 27, 09:28 am    #
    Could someone teach Greg Palast how to do hyperlinks please?

  3. Kevin Moore    Aug 27, 11:07 am    #
    This is not a new argument from O'Reilly. He said similar things during the months prior to the invasion of Iraq, saying that protestors distract the cops from "doing their job." Which in a democracy should include protecting the rights of protestors to freely assemble. But waddoo I know? I'm not an objective, independently-minded truth-seeker like Mr. I'm Looking Out For You.


  4. Bill Humphries    Aug 27, 11:35 am    #
    Wow, Bill O'Reilly just rendered the entire corps of volunteers NYC trained to help visitors unusable.

    Mayor Bloomberg ought to have a word with him about rumor-mongering.

    Palast says the RNC took down the warning about "HiV infected fembots." Make of that what you will.

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