Eight million comics bloggers in the naked blogosphere, and I have to randomly surf through Grand Text Auto to find out about the Cartünnel?
(Actually, EGON was on the case. It’s the rest of you I’m looking at. Yeah, you.)
Doing my own part: those of you who remember oubapo, but who are as disappointed as I am that indymagazine’s domain name oblivion took Matt Madden’s Exercises in Style offline, will be pleased to note that he’s got a book of them coming out. —Ooh! And with a little Google work, I discover he put those exercises online himself, so hey. Go have a look.
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For what it's worth, Lewis Trondheim has a random three-panelled strip feature on his website (hit Refresh or click on "oubanetpo" to generate a new strip). En français, hélas!
I seem to recall that (Marcel) Gotlib did a classic version of the original Queneau book in one of the early Rubrique-à-brac's.
Pour ce que ça vaut, again, some of Madden's Exercises are online in French as well.