To which the Pentagon official replied, “You mean the six morons who lost the war?”
—“Iraqi Prisoner Abuse May Undermine War on Terror,” Tom Regan.
Now, really. I know things got a little feisty under Clinton, what with hardly veiled threats from sitting senators, but is this how one ought to refer to Wolfowitz and Feith, Rumsfeld and Cheney, Rice and Bush?
Remember: the military ultimately serves civilian masters. We ask that they serve us; they do what we require. There’s no other way a military force can work in a civil democracy.
A little respect, please.
Actually, I don't blame the soldiers involved quite so much as I do the folks who were supposed to be controlling them. Lyddie England's been on the news saying she was ordered to pose for the pictures.
That may or may not be (she could just be trying to weasel out of her responsibility), but the fact remains that professionalism and leadership were sorely lacking in the prisons. The soldiers take their cues from their leaders. They do as much as they think they can get away with.
So, I'd like to see those leaders answering for their soldiers actions.
But, it's unlikely we will. They'll just throw a couple of sacrificial soldiers to the wolves and go on pretending to be the good guys.
(And boy oh boy, you'd just have to be a flaming idiot to let people take pictures like that of you, orders or no orders!)