I’m getting barraged by search requests for Limbaugh + “blow off some steam.” And I know what they’re looking for. But see: there’s two basic reasons why someone might Google up that horror.
I wish to God I knew which was in the lead.
—Bonus! For those of us still with heads atop our necks, here’s the kicker designed to blow them up once and for all. Ready? No, seriously. You have to fasten your seatbelts and hold onto your hats and kiss your socks goodbye on this one, because you won’t be picking them up until sometime next week. So when I say ready, I mean you best be motherfuckin’ ready, you hear me? Because I’m about to let World o’ Crap call George Neumayr up to the mike, and when he opens his mouth, there’s no turning back. Here he comes. Last chance. Are. You. Ready?
And why is the behavior depicted in the photos so appalling to liberals? If the behavior had been voluntary, liberals would call it free speech.
you did try to warn me...why o why didn't i listen?
That's worthy of Lewis Black's "If it wasn't for my horse" earwig.
What I find bizarre about Rush's comment, other than the obvious, was that even if one agreed with him, one must nevertheless concede that Skull & Bones fraternity hazing is still wrong. Hazing is, y'know, supposed to be illegal, at least on campus.
But, whatever. Sy Hersch's NYer piece was one of the most dispiriting things I've read lately, and that is saying something.
A Slight Extension
Good grief. I hate to say it, but in terms of posting another cartoon, I need a couple more weeks. All my spare time right now is dedicated to getting out my applications by the June 1st deadline. There's...
Why is September 11 so appalling to people? If it had been fake, it would be a summer blockbuster.
Or, alternatively:
Why won't you drink the poisoned tea? If it weren't for the arsenic, you would be lapping it up.
Luckily, since it is a warm day, I'm not wearing socks.
It has been interesting to watch the right deflate as the scandal has unfolded. Early responses in blog comments involved a fair amount of genocidal cheerfulness that was forced into hiding once major figures didn't follow suit or even apologized. But lately, they've been either trying to ignore it or grasping at straws. I note that both Michelle Catalano and Glen Reynolds have recently posted excuses for not blogging much right now. Another thing I note is the near absence of Abu Ghraib jokes. (I'm actually surprised by that.)
So the people in the photographs, those tied up and not the "troops," were trying were trying to get into an exclusive fraternity that may lead to a job with that Investment Bank?
Or did the some of money for military service "will get you a paid education" go for learning about fraternity hazing. And that makes it OK?
If you survive the hazing does that mean you really deserve the privilege and position, like you earned it? Aahhh, School is hell.
We know that some who were tortured were released. That gives lie to the argument that they probably deserved it.
According to Rumsfailed we are going to give "compensation" to those abused but he never mentioned how many or how much.
The problem of this abuse, nay, war crimes, infects us all.
The meme spreads. Rich Lowry, as quoted by Atrios:
"The Americans sexually humiliated Iraqi prisoners, forcing them to masturbate, to wear women's underwear, and to commit (or feign committing) unnatural acts, and captured it on film. If they had done this stateside in different circumstances, they might be very rich and perhaps even up for an Adult Video Award."