If you’re looking for me over the weekend, you’ll need to look in San Francisco. The Spouse and I will be attending APE: her to promote Dicebox, me to stand around looking at comics and try not to get in the way too much. There’s no particular table involved; we’ll be found more likely than not in the company of Patrick Farley or Lori Matsumoto or Kris Dresen or Madison Clell or Scott (or Ivy, or Winter, or Sky) McCloud or one or another of a variety of Pants Pressers, not to drop names or nothin.’ Plus, copious amounts of sushi will be eaten, and we’ll probably try to get to 826 Valencia Street again (this time, when it’s open), and there’s apparently a bookstore I need to visit, and we might even try to squeeze in a trip hereabouts, though I think all our evening meals are already spoken for, darn. Anyway.
Yes, Fields is great. Do allow some time for Acorn, the massive used bookstore directly across the street.
(Oh, and I can't find an email address so I'll answer the question in that <a title> here: the 19 Polk bus conveniently stops on 7th street hard by the Concourse/APE site.
Oh, my email address. Yeah. Heh. That's one of those rough edges what needs smoothing as alluded to earlier. At any rate: thankee for the heads-up. Good to know it's convenientish to the Concourse.
(Insofar as used books go, though: we do live in the land of Powell's: I'll see your massive and raise the limit. I'm as up for used book hounding as the next bibliophile; it just takes a bit more to get me excited, is all.)
When did APE move out of San Jose?
1999 was the last year you had to know the way to San Jose, I think. It was at a spot on the wharf (I think) for a couple of years, and then last year--the first time I ever went--it made it into the Concourse. Great location. Perfect size for the thing, and you can open these skylight things and these loading doors and let in fresh air and sunlight. Which you don't normally expect to see at a comicbook show, I must say.