No, I’m still not back yet. But Ana-Marie Cox is.
(Is the joke wearing thin? Do you have any idea how hard it is to find suitable visual representations of piers? Especially since my new favorite image-distortion technique compresses about as well as, well, something that doesn’t compress at all. —A 100 k logo? I think not.
(Oh: and Orcinus should really read this brief article recommended by D-squared.)
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Food for thought.
Come back to the five and dime, Jimmy Dean.
Or something like that. Anyway, you are missed.
Dude, you're on the beta test list. Trust me. In a day or so, there will be an email. You will follow the link therein and then report back with an honesty that is as brutal as it is forgiving. Swallow this message, as it will self-destruct in ten seconds. Let "the blue fox flies at midnight" be your watch-word. Courage! Bush is a noodle. Fnord.
Are ya back yet? Huh? Are ya back yet??
your title plus your prolonged absence make it necessary to draw the inevitable conclusion:
start dragging the lake, y'all. ;)
Jesus, people. I have, like, a day job, and other stuff to write, and books to read, and shit like that. And CSS and HTML and Movable Type tags are all complicated and recomplicate when you start playing tricky games with them, and there's the problem of MT's off-the-shelf archiving system being based on an internal tag which changes when you change databases, thus breaking all the links other people have made to individual posts, though I think I've got that one licked, but the biggest problem of all is the massive difference in "web-safe colors" between, say, my sleek little as-God-intended iBook, and the dark Wintel monitor at work, which made my lovely dusty blue background look like a purple baboon's ass.
But if you must take a sneak peek, here:
When it's all said and done, the domain name will point there instead of here. Comments welcomed, I suppose. There was going to be a beta test this past weekend, but some archiving issues and the aforementioned baboon's ass got in the way. Patience, please. There's some lovely stuff on Mars coming up, I promise.
Who are you? You're not Kip. You're an imposter! Oh, poor Jenn. What she must be going through. Stop living a lie!
Looks mighty purty.