And so we went to war with the Islamofascists: a clash of civilizations, the final showdown between tolerant Enlightenment rationalism and grim, dark, authoritarian terror. And what did we do when we won?
Fuck you, Bush. Fuck Rice and Powell, fuck Cheney, fuck Donald “Vases?” Rumsfeld. Fuck the House, fuck the Senate; fuck the Democrats who trusted you weaselly little fucks and voted for this fucking farce. Fuck Thomas Friedman, fuck Christopher Hitchens—hell, fuck the entire fucking press corps sideways; not a one of you fucks did your fucking job, and you’re still ignoring this. Go write about another fucking sweater, you useless, lying fucks. Fuck you Instapundit and Andrew Sullivan; fuck the Freepers and the Little Green Footballs; fuck Lileks, fuck Tacitus, fuck Misha, fuck the captain of the fucking USS Clueless, fuck John fucking Cole. Hell, the mood I’m in, Josh Marshall and Kevin Drum and Big Media Matt can go fuck themselves for being suckered in however briefly by fucking Kenneth Pollack, who was in turn suckered, so by all means, fuck him too. Fuck Ambassador L. Paul “Jerry” Bremer III. Fuck the CPA and the IGC. Fuck Grand Ayatollah Ali Al-Sistani and Abd Al-Aziz Al-Hakim. Look at what you’ve done. Look at what you’re doing. Look at what you’ve said and what you hoped would happen and look at what is actually happening right now. Tell me this was worth tens of thousands of dead and wounded. Tell me this does one whit to make the world a safer place. Tell me how many lives it will save and improve. Tell me!
Ah, to hell with the lot of you. Fucking bastards.
Relax. Fuck.
You left laptop harddrives off your list...
They Better Be So Fucking Free They Can Fly
Kip at freest fucking people on the face of the earth. They better be freer than me. They better be so fucking free they can fly."href="">Long story; short pier has a restrained reaction t...
Relax. Fuck.
No, don't relax. Take it to them, Kip. They deserve every word. Too bad you couldn't list all of the hypocrites, but the post would go on for pages and pages.
I said relax, because a) kip is right, and b) I am as outraged as anyone.
And yes, the only way to conduct this is an aggressive campaign indicating and making public and known the fact that Mr. Bush policies are already destroying the small cultural advantage that existed in the Arab world, and yes, his intrusion and his continuous pandering to old companies and extreme prejudiced views are causing more pain discomfort and incredibly debilitating our position, giving power to extreme Islamist views and leaders.
But yes, relax, because your point has to get to a lot of people, and there is still a long way to go before there is a change in administration.
But I fully agree on his point of view.
fuck Wolfowitz, Perle, PNAC and all those fucks that came up with this idea in the first place too
1) Yep, fuck 'em all.
2) From wood s lot:
"Kip Manley's Long story; short pier enters its third year."
Happy anniversary!
But ... but... no! The Baaths are Islamic Fundamentalists! They always were, always have been! Oceania has always been at war with EastAsia!
Since you're obviously ignorant of the fact that I was speaking out against this eventuality months ago, let me respond with a genial "Fuck you too, pal."
My dear sweet “reasonable” conservative Tacitus: if I’m not cutting Kevin Drum any slack, what makes you think you get off scot-free? Speaking out notwithstanding. You obviously don’t understand—by having been in any way in favor of this singularly inept invasion, you are objectively pro-Islamofascism.
Get fucked running, would you? I’m not in any mood for a reasonable discussion on this one. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
I’m not in any mood for a reasonable discussion on this one.
Enjoy the universe untrammeled with the burden of facts or logic, then. Doesn't give you much grounds for critiquing those with a more adult sensibility, though. Much less shari'a.
To paraphrase Stephen Colbert, it's one thing to believe that Bush's illegal pre-emptive invasion of Iraq has destroyed America's credibility and decreased our national security while simultaneously plunging the Middle East into a chaotic bloodstorm, but does kip have to be so *mad* about it?
Wow. So, does this mean you're "back" now?
Oh what a lovely war
For those of you who do not read Riverbend, go read how things are going over there from the horse's...
Especially fuck that Ken Pollack dude. But fuck me too. We are all way fucked. Fuck.
Freer than me
Kip at Long Story, Short Pier is a little ticked off: All I have to say is, once this is over, the Iraqi people better be the freest fucking people on the face of the earth. They better be freer...
Fuck. I couldn't have put it any better.
Huh. The ironic thing, as I've said before (and have had cause to say again), is that the motto of Los Amigos Arbusto is clearly, "Fuck you!"
So, props for saying "Fuck you!" back to them.
PS: Note the date on the first post.
Enjoy the universe untrammeled with the burden of facts or logic, then.
ya know, tacitus, dude, I have put far more time into defending you than I generally put into defending people whose position I find - problematic? - but this is more than a little woopsie. The women of Iraq are a bone we've just thrown the fundamentalist right of Iraq, and it's very, very wrong, and by defending the conduct of this war (which has been full of this kind of temporizing the things we're supposed to be fighting for) you've put yourself in the path of this one.
If the freedoms we supposedly went in to protect are a bargaining chip we're willing to throw into the pot now that all the other excuses have imploded and we want to get the fuck out with only what lives and money we've lost so far, you've just lost the last battle of this war. The people of Iraq are less free? We fucked up, and if you support people who are fucking up, you buy into their future fuckups.
Also there are 512 soldiers dead. For this?
In other news
Though Kip isn’t officially back yet, he has made quite a few posts recently, including ones one magic and fucking....
I am 47 years old and I have many issues as to why our country is at war.
If I could, I would leave my family to defend our nation.
My father is a veteran of the Marines, the Air Force and has served in several wars. My daughter and son in-law serve in the Air Force now.
I believe in our country, our president and the purpose of why we are at war.
Terrorism is an evil that must be stopped. It does not follow the normal paths that past wars have shown.
Because of your efforts and the efforts of your fellow soldiers, our country and our planet as we know it, is removing hatred and will continue to grow safer and more prosperous for all mankind.
May God Bless you and your fellow soldiers.
Rich Klinkbeil
PS: Let me know when you get back and I`ll buy you a case of your (fucking) favorite beer.
From Kip at Long story; short pier: freest fucking people on the face of the earth. They better be freer than me. They better be so fucking free they can fly." href="">Long story; short pi...
hey contact me plz! I am amused. Sincerely Kerry Klinkbeil
i'd be a happier human today had i thought to look up "fuck thomas friedman" months ago.
E mail me at