Via Zoe Trope, we learn that the American Family Association is conducting a poll to determine America’s attitudes regarding same-sex marriage. They intend to present the results to Congress.
Unfortunately, they neglected to let a broad spectrum of Americans know about the survey. However will it be truly representative of our country in all its diverse majesty? So go, vote—then spread the word.
You know?
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I'd love to respond to a scientific poll or even a statistically meaningless survey that purported at least to be fair, but why should I participate in a completely biased exercise conducted by an organization just a step or two shy of being a hate group? Particularly when they want my address and e-mail info?
A: You can lie.
B: Why not? Fair and equitable marriage adherents have already climbed from 7% to almost 10%. What does it profit a man to stuff a rigged ballot box with the click of a mouse? Not much, but why not?
C: You can, you know, lie.
Survey on Equal Access to Marriage
Long Story; Short Pier says they're going to present the results to Congress, presumably to support some legislation or a Constitutional amendment that goes further than ...
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