So yeah: I’ve got this thing about Ayn Rand and objectivism—I’ve got no use for her, and I’ve got no use for it. (There’s a subset of Trek fandom who like to insist that Surak’s Vulcan logic is best expressed as Randian objectivism; it would seem they utterly glossed over the moral of the third-best Trek movie ever made.) —And one of my most cherished prejudices is that libertarians are coddled, pampered, naïve fools, who believe what they believe only because they have no clue what nastiness awaits when their cherished ideals are fully implemented. “A farmer in Idaho who’s contemplating taking up sodomy,” was R. Fiore’s definition; “Repeal all laws except the ones that benefit me,” was mine.
Bedamned if Arthur Silber doesn’t manage to challenge all of that on all-too-regular a basis.
Anyway: read what he has to say about Angels in America, and take it to heart, and watch the damn thing, already. —I saw it on Broadway, too, and, oh, heck. Just see it. (Amp’s recording it; we’re all going to get together with some popcorn one of these days and shut away the rest of you for a while.)
And not that this has much to do with anything that’s gone before aside from the obvious, but make sure you pick up a copy of Wig in a Box. Hedwig, Rufus Wainwright, Robyn Hitchcock, the Breeders, the Polyphonic Spree, Sleater-Kinney (with Fred Scheider!), and Cyndi Lauper her own damn self, and the proceeds go to support the Harvey Milk School. How can you beat that?
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I know someone who needs Wig in a Box, hope they don't already have it. I love covers, so I may need it for myself.
I'm the only person who owns lots of Grateful Dead covers, but no original Dead (I always thought the genuine article was best experienced in person).
I hope Angels comes out on DVD. I'm not just up to ponying up the extra $$$ to get HBO, and I've got enough to watch with my GreenCine (blatant plug) membership.
Agreed - Ayn Rand can kiss my . . . oh wait, she's dead, isn't she?
Anyway, i just saw a comic about objectivism that i thought you and/or readers might enjoy: