It’s Joanna Russ meets Emma Bull for a Babe the Blue Ox show at Satyricon. No? Okay—Chris said it was like Bruno the Vampire Slayer, which is cool. Except that Jo and Bruno are kinda different. And there’s no vampires. (Yet.) I mean, I was gonna say it was like Utena the Goblin Slayer, which is maybe closer, except that actually sounds like a real anime out there somewhere. And anyway, it isn’t animated. I mean, it could work if it was animated, sure, but like I have the budget, you know? Look, if you’ve got a minute, I could maybe read you this passage from Lanark—
Also he knew something about writing, for when wandering the city he had visited public libraries and read enough stories to know there were two kinds. One kind was a sort of written cinema, with plenty of action and hardly any thought. The other kind was about clever unhappy people, often authors themselves, who thought a lot but didn’t do very much. Lanark supposed a good author was more likely to write the second kind of book.
But that’s kinda dry, actually. Come to think of it. Out of context like that. Um. There’s this line, from Yeats—
The visible world is merely their skin.
But that’s even more out of context, and anyway, it doesn’t really capture the, you know. Flavor. Of what’s going on.
Crap. We’re almost there.
Okay. Deep breath: it’s called City of Roses and it’s about this girl named Jo and what happens when she meets Ysabel, only it’s also about what happens when Ysabel meets Jo, except it’s also about Portland which is where I live these days, and it’s big and it’s unwieldy and it’s a serial with installments posted every Monday and Wednesday and Friday and there’s some work yet to be done on the website but there’s also the usual slew of oracular pop culture namechecks and also snarky jokes and the occasional sword fight, and it’s just gotten underway.
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It's about a struggle to the death between Good and Evil for conquest of the Universe.
And a love for Nutella sandwiches.