So I’ve been having a fun morning and afternoon, squeegeeing up the spooge left behind by a couple of commenting spambots named “Lolita” and “Preteen”—the minions of one Guy McFarland, 4009 Dancing Cloud Court, in sunny Destin, Florida, 32541, 850.269.2814, who is considerably further along than his teen years, one imagines, and rather long in tooth to play Lolita. (Instead of a plague of boils on his tenderest parts, one could wish Acacia [notably vile in its own right] would take notice of his enterprise and sue him into oblivion. Oh, hell: in addition to. I’m in an expansive mood.)
If you read a Movable Type blog regularly, you’ve doubtless seen the fallout. If you have a Movable Type blog of your own, you’ll want to load for bear. Teresa Nielsen Hayden’s Making Light is an excellent port for this storm: good cheer, gruntled commiseration, hot tips and sandbags handed freely to all comers. —Unless, of course, you’re hosted by SISNA, Inc. Since Lolita Long-in-Tooth is using a slew of their servers to spam comments threads, just about everybody’s blocking a whole range of their IP-number thingies. (Technical jargon. Don’t worry your pretty little head.) If you try to make a comment hereabouts and find you’re blocked, send me some email. (Offers to enlarge my penis will be responded to in kind.)
Also deserving of kudos and a mention: Joseph Duemer did the legwork on this perp; a round of applause and a virtual beer, sir. And: Jay Allen will tomorrow release what is sure to be the year’s most popular Movable Type plugin, by far. As well: the intrepid Erik V. Olson, who all-unbidden dug up a related Malaysian spammer (the IP to ban:—be on the lookout for sudden approbation for your deathless prose from, y’all. It’s not “Lolita,” but it is an evil as banal.
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