We’re in the home stretch of the overtime madness that is my day job, currently (should I provide a link? Oh, all right: a link), so what could be more appropriate than a slew of motivational goodies?
How about a slew of motivational goodies based on Marvel superheroes?
Here’s Elektra, the Greek ninjette:
“Excellence is reserved for those who, even when they fail, do so by doing greatly, so that their place shall never be among those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”
How about her sometime paramour, Daredevil?
“Justice is blind and has no fear. It is selfless, noble, and kind to all who serve it well, but know this… Do not dare justice, for it comes to all—right or wrong.”
Too wordy? Self-contradictory? Perhaps Wolverine’s trademark laconicism will get to the point (bub):
“Some people want it to happen… Some people wish it to happen… Others tear down the walls of resistance and make it happen.”
Or maybe not. (There’s also murderous vigilante Frank Castle, but perhaps the point is made?)
Luckily, Dirk Deppey also provides us with a link to the high-larious knockoffs. Which reminds one of the magisterially cheap shots scored by Despair.com, knocking off Successories, the éminence grise in this—field?—that Marvel’s knock-offs knock off, in their own unique, ah, idiom.
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