As an anti-American, objectively pro-Saddam liberal traitor, I ought to be dancing in the aisles or something over the Plame Game, or Traitorgate, or L’Affaire Wilson, or business-as-fucking-usual, see-I-told-you-this-administration-was-a-pack-of-venal-weasels, or Jesus-H.-Christ-in-a-jumped-up-sidecar, I’m-sick-of-this-game-and-it’s-starting-to-scare-me, can-we-put-the-pieces-away-and-play-something-else? —But I’m tired. And overworked. And suffering from a head cold. And anyway, you’ve doubtless read the incredible coverage Joshua Micah Marshall and Kevin Drum have offered up on the matter.
If not—if you’re still catching up with the latest feeding frenzy—let me suggest a couple of can’t-miss scenic overlooks:
Juan Cole tells you pretty much what the fuck happened.
Brad DeLong tells you why it’s such a fucking big deal.
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I still say we shouldn't refer to her name. It's probably moot at this point, what with it all over the interweb and especially Instapundit's site, but, well, I can be a stickler for principles when it is crank-oriented enough for me to do so.
My two cents. Nice links.