Ha ha. Read this, from Atrios’s coments section, citing a New York Times Letter from Europe:
This summer’s biggest scandal—the invasion and occupation of Iraq—has spawned endless speculation about who really wields power under President George W. Bush.
Everybody has a theory, but no one outside the White House really knows, and no one inside will say.
In the old days, observers of the White House—the press, they were called then—were granted access to various officials and important documents, with frequent news conferences from the President. Independent investigations led by Congress added to the scrutiny.
With all the setbacks the United States has suffered since 2000—disputed elections, stock market declines, a timid, Republican-friendly press and the curtailment of personal liberties—the exercise has changed. Whitehousology is here…
Then follow the link at the bottom to read more. (Courtesy of the Cunctator. —Which means now for some reason I’m reminded of the time that Art Buchwald took a chauffer-driven Cadillac into the then-Soviet Union to show them all what a capitalist looked like and proceeded to get drunk in [among other places] a Moscow dive where he bellowed, “My KGB guy can lick anybody else’s KGB guy in the house!”)
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