Me, I’m perversely looking forward to catching Johnny Depp as he sashays through the Caribbean. I thought the Pirate Shop was great, even though we weren’t supposed to have been in there, and next APE I’m going to make sure we have time to poke and prod. I’m looking forward to Talk Like a Pirate Day.
It is, after all, because I’m a pirate; we are all pirates now.
(Then, Cory Doctorow wonders about, you know. The real pirates.
(Oh. Them.)
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It's rated "ARRRRR!"
As much as I love the pirate theme, I'm oddly uncompelled to see this. But I do have a lot more free time now.
Locally, there is always DJ Zanne's Skervy—Queer to the Bone, which is getting popular: