Second of all, could Anthony Scalia be any gayer? Why isn’t he posting in the Corner—he’s that gay.
It’s not just her Snoopy dance over the decision in Lawrence v. Texas, though; it’s also her review of the latest album by someone I might once have been to the same Tank party as at Oberlin, only we didn’t run with the same crowds because she was, like, really into Bitch Magnet, and I was a total geek. —The review, of course, is about more than just Liz Phair. Or Liz Phair, for that matter.
(There’s something—heartening, somehow, about the fact that I can go put Exile in Guyville on and press play and what comes out is still that kick-ass album I first heard in the wee hours of one dark morning in the booth at WMUA.)
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Um. Well, my main memory of the once-again-Phair-one is her napping regularly in sociology classes. It was very weird to see her pop up on LetterMan several years ago when I was randomly flipping channels and (I think) getting some cat vomit off the carpet. I guess a working knowledge of Durkeim doesn't correlate to pop-culture success... damn.
And she really was into Bitch Magnet. All I remember about them is little details, like Jon Fine breaking the headstock off his guitar by dropping it on an ensemble room floor at the Con when they were recording a demo winter term '88. He took it a lot more calmly than *I* would take breaking a headstock. Especially since there were no good luthiers in Oberlin.
But then again, I use straplocks. :-)