Amy S. Jun 25, 12:34 pm #
Heh. I haven't checked yet to see whether the book'll be available offline. Not that I mind paying 25 cents for a full-length story or anything. It's just that, for practical reasons, I only read online comics for about two minutes at a stretch. Anything more kind of bothers my eyes. I suppose if Scott wants to make it available for one of those palm pilot-ibook fusion things that Space Waittress (whom I way behind on reading) waxes rhapsodic about... and then give me one for free, that would be nice, too. :p :p :p
So you see, as far as online comics are concerned, I'm sort of halfway between Scott and Seth. I love the concept, but the old fuddy-duddy in me sometimes doesn't feel easy with certain aspects of the execution. It's good, in retrospect, that I didn't make it to that S.D. debate they had, because I just would have spent the whole time feeling like a ping pong ball in the middle of a some kind of marathon tournament. :o
Woo, microlinks.
Heh. I haven't checked yet to see whether the book'll be available offline. Not that I mind paying 25 cents for a full-length story or anything. It's just that, for practical reasons, I only read online comics for about two minutes at a stretch. Anything more kind of bothers my eyes. I suppose if Scott wants to make it available for one of those palm pilot-ibook fusion things that Space Waittress (whom I way behind on reading) waxes rhapsodic about... and then give me one for free, that would be nice, too. :p :p :p
So you see, as far as online comics are concerned, I'm sort of halfway between Scott and Seth. I love the concept, but the old fuddy-duddy in me sometimes doesn't feel easy with certain aspects of the execution. It's good, in retrospect, that I didn't make it to that S.D. debate they had, because I just would have spent the whole time feeling like a ping pong ball in the middle of a some kind of marathon tournament. :o