Max Sawicky manages to make me feel better about the decision I’d already made regarding tomorrow’s primary. (And Chas—who really ought to post something new to Alas, already—has a good point about the Freepers’ plans to stuff the primary: it’d be much smarter for them to vote Lieberman, for God’s sake.)
So I’ll go on to further legitimize for myself, at least, the efforts of a dotcom bubble hold-over to play hardball with the big boys, by quoting some progressively patriotic platitudes, so I can think I’m Doing Something, and anyway I missed the interview the first time ’round—
My government, my country and the current political international crises are my problems because I’m an adult American. I find that, unwittingly sometimes, I feel more connected to the superstructures of society. We’re born into these systems, but we’re very much outside them when we’re young. It’s like it’s not our society. We have no power. We’re only learning, really, how it works and what our role in it is. I’m writing about big-P politics for the first time, just because it’s more a part of my life now. Suddenly I’m a voting adult and it’s my job to fix it.
After all, she did say every tool is a weapon, if you hold it right.
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