I’ve been at a slow boil over a nasty little meme scuttling about the mediasphere the past few days. Goes something like this: “Hey! Only 33 important artefacts were looted from the Iraqi National Museum! (And several thousand minor ones!) Bet those liberals aren’t going to apologize for lying about this any time soon!” It causes the red film to descend over my vision, and the pains in my chest to start up; I get this cramp in my left arm, just thinking about it, and quail at the notion of how much of my own bile and slaver I’d have to shovel to get at a clear, concise, poisonously succinct fuck you.
Luckily, it’s an Augean stable Teresa Nielsen Hayden is well-equipped to clean. A mighty river of truth and perspective is all that’s needed to wash these Billy Rubins clean and reveal their various high-minded calls to “set the record straight” as the pathetic projections they are.
Go. Read. Now.
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Congratulations Trish!
Maziltov to Trish Wilson, who just had an article accepted by the feminist magazine Off Our Backs. Way cool! And while you're visiting Trish's blog, be sure to read her entry on archeology news, including news about the looting in Iraq. The damage to t...