Well sir, the Senate is mighty pissed at those irresponsible FCC commissioners. “It looks for all the world like you could not or would not stand up to corporate interests,” said Senator Byron L. Dorgan (D-ND), and no wonder. But it’s more grandstanding than anything else, given that the House seems much more amenable to the media borg, and Committee Chair John McCain (R-Ariz.) doesn’t support a bill doing anything about a situation that’s already this bogglingly bad and only getting worse. Here’s where you try to can convince him otherwise, and here’s where you can light a fire under your own representative and senators.
Whoa. We sorta won one. HR 1119 has been pulled from the schedule owing to the fact that the Republicans couldn’t find 218 representatives willing to sell out hourly employees—but they’re vowing to pursue passage later this year. “Only in Washington could lobbyists and politicians continue to get away with denying parents the freedom to choose to spend more time with their children.,” said Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio), chairman of the House Education and Workforce Committee. “I can assure you that the fight to change this outdated requirement on behalf of America’s working moms and dads is not over.” He appears to have been noticeably less effusive on his fight to allow large businesses to take out interest-free loans from the labor of their employees. Here’s where you can send off a letter to Wage and Hour Division Administrator Tammy McCutchen (and cc it to President Bush, for a laugh).
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Looks like we did some good.
Kip at Long story; short pier tells us that it looks like we actually won one today: Updates, faxblasts, petitions, that sort of thing. He points us at this article about the Republican House leadership cancelling the vote on H.R....
I am 45 years old and i am sorry but this story or what ever this was really did not make any scence to me atal. My daughter is is very smart and she says that she did not understand (she is doing a prodjest or something) so iam just asking make it easier on the kids.
thank you!