Mulling over what it is I’ve come away from Ucluelet with, and how best to trot it forth and show its paces (a pre-emptive shorter Long Story on this one: “Victoria, eh; Ucluelet, wow; Vancouver Island, big”); in the meanwhile, go check out Pedantry, who’s been bloggered; today’s (28 April) entry has links to a Naomi Klein article on workers in Argentina getting fed up with capital saying they can’t work and doing it for themselves, and a timeline from Workers Power Global which indicates this has been going on for over a year.
“Life and physical integrity have no supremacy over economic interests,” wrote the judge who evicted the Brukman clothing factory Klein focusses on. How’s that for a rallying cry? —Me, I’m going to go dig up my copy of the bootleg Tintin Breaking Free, and remind myself to think utopian every now and again.
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Yo. Welcome back.
Welcome back. We missed you in the battle against moronic fuckwittery.