“A broken heart won’t get you much further than a cold heart” is what John Cale’s singing, and Brian Eno’s chanting “Been there, done that; been there don’t wanna go back,” which is pretty much the best thing I can think of for a Tuesday that feels like a Monday. “A bad plan is better than no plan,” is what Gary Kasparov said, and I guess the shock and awe worked in the end if not quite in the manner advertised; I’m still shocked and awestruck at how we have no plan, no plan at all. (We’re going to Syria next! No, we aren’t! And I’m terrified it’s both, or maybe neither, and no one, not a single person on this earth, will know until it actually, you know, happens. Or doesn’t.) —So I turn from thinking globally to locally and discover that, of two of the tax proposals being considered by our legislature to stanch the hemmorrhaging of our laughable budget (a sidenote: is it hemmorrhaging when the blood’s pooled around your ankles and rising?), one of them would set Mark Hemstreet up as a tinpot dictator, and the other would obliterate one of the few thriving local industries left, one uniquely suited to the current Zeitgeist (links courtesy The Oregon Blog, whose own links are bloggered at the moment; scroll to entries for 11 April and 14 April).
Hey, had you heard we’re hiring cut-rate rapists and militant missionaries to go in and rebuild Iraq from the dust up on the cheap?
You had?
Kevin’s strip this week made me smile and in a good way, too. Small triumphs, I guess. So there’s that.
—Also, Wes Anderson’s going to start filming a new movie in September. Starring Bill Murray. As a French oceanographer.
So there’s that, too. And Holly Cole’s doing her honkytonkish cover of “The Heart of Saturday Night,” now, which, well.
I think I need more coffee.
And then Ray Davis made three.
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Your turgid prose and rambling, long winded parentheticals render your article virtually unreadable.
Tell me: are you persuaded by ham-handed slanting and shrill partisan cant? If not, why would you assume that it would work for you?
Ah, shrill. Just like Mr. Krugman. That would be an accomplishment. --But seriously, Mr. Anonymous, why on earth do you think I'm trying to persuade you of anything? Must it always be about you? Whose IP number is clearly stamped on the comment you left, despite the care with which you didn't even bother to come up with a funny pseudonym? Who came here via Dogpile, looking for information on "alien sedition act of 1918"? What on earth did you want that for?