I’d like to think of something to add to the Cheney-bashing that’s merrily (if obscenely) celebrating our Creator-endowed right to pursue happiness by indulging our Madison-crafted right to invite those calling shrilly for the piking forthwith of the heads of fifth columnists to take their alien and sedition acts, fold ’em till they’re all sharp corners, and shove ’em where the sun don’t shine. (I excuse the portmanteau nature of that sentence, collapsing as it is under the weight of a number of issues in the popular consciousness this side of the continental divide, by noting that the title of this post does refer to bandwagons.) —But I flip through my Cheney files and stumble over this choice piece by Joshua Micah Marshall and I’m reminded, once again, that Dick Cheney, who selected himself as Bush’s ideal veep, is a sheltered idiot, an incompetent executive, a scowling shill whose only skill is working the old boy network, and a prime candidate for architect of a great many of our current woes; and suddenly, oddly, I’m no longer in the mood.
And anyway, the Spouse is being held as a material witness.
Further bulletins as events warrant.
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Your posse really knows how to live. Last week, I got called for jury duty for real and was promptly ejected for the "crime" of possessing ovaries. Far as I can tell, that was my "crime," anyway, since every other possessor of ovaries was also dismissed from said case (indecent exposure) with no explanation offered.
Plus, I found out it costs $36 to get from NE Portland to Gresham by cab. Your problems ? Who cares about YOUR problems ?! I HAD TO PAY TO GO TO GRESHAM TO GET THROWN OFF A JURY !!! Curse this wretched war !! Will no one feel MY pain, for once ? :p
"Portmanteau" ? You goof.