The bill to allow drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is one vote shy of passing in the Senate. It looks like Gordon Smith (R-Oregon) is in the “no” camp on this vote (“Not now, but not never”)—though sending him a love-note probably wouldn’t hurt. (Remind him of his environmentally friendly campaigning in 2002.)
The Cheneyites are putting the pressure on Norm Coleman, freshman Republican from Minnesota, and the Arkansan Democratic delegation of Mark Pryor and Blanche Lincoln. So if you’re one of these fine Congressfolks’ constituents, be so kind as to drop them a line. Their names are email links—swiped from Barry, who also has the phone numbers, if you’re feeling all personal-like.
Fun fact, though: there’s some arcana going on in how to frame the Senate budget item covering the drilling which will either allow a fillibuster, or not. But don’t for God’s sake trust that; we need all three (or four) fence-sitters on board. So send your email, buck ’em up, and shut it down.
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