LanguageHat? Could I tell you something? Personal-like? —Dear sweet Jesus, but I fucking love you for this. (If the archive’s being persnickety, go here and scroll down to “David Foster Wallace Demolished.”) (And it matters not one whit to me that your face is as green as mine.)
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I feel your bliss, dear. I sat there and loved LanguageHat at work for, like, twenty minutes uninterrupted after I read it.
Gawrsh... thanks! I must confess that that demolishment, written (obviously) in a white-hot spasm of rage, is my favorite thing on the whole blog, and I regret that it's hidden away at the bottom of my Languages page and can't even be directly linked to. I'm going to get off of fucking Blogger and have some real back pages and then it's going to have its own fucking link. Sometimes I think of sending it to DFW and seeing if it shakes his complacency. But I don't imagine anything could.
(What really pisses me off is that people keep referring to that fucking essay as though it definitively proves the case for prescriptive grammar. May beets grow in their bellies, as the alte kackers say.)
It is a great rant indeed! The link given to it here doesn't work for me, though; I can find it only by going to "" (or by googling on "languagehat wallace").
If u know where can I find something about hackers, most especifically, The Menthor, I´ll be grat to receive any kind of information.
Best regards,