When he sat down with George W. Bush and Dick Cheney in a Chicago hotel suite on July 18, former Missouri Senator John Danforth assumed he was the only one in the room being considered for Vice President. After the intense three-hour meeting ended, Danforth came away thinking he might be offered the job. It never occurred to him that Cheney, the man in charge of Bush’s selection process, was also his competition. “Cheney flew [me] up to Chicago,” Danforth recalled last week. “I took that to mean Cheney had declined it.”
—from “How Bush Decided: His choice of Cheney says a lot about how the Governor sees himself and what he learned from Texas and from his father,” 1 August 2000, cnn.com.
It is assumed you’re reading Talking Points Memo on a daily basis; certainly, he’s a must-read on North Korea, as he has been on South Dakota, as he has been on Trent Lott, as… You get the point. But I wanted to take a moment to make extra special sure you all read “Vice Grip,” his latest for The Washington Monthly. —Paradigm shift begins at home, after all.
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