Somewhat and sort of. Via Barry: Thanks to massive protests and lawsuits filed, they’re starting to let the detainees go.
Or, if you feel like blaming the victim, you can quote the INS party line:
“Our objective was to hold people only until we had completed confirmation of records checks,” the I.N.S. official said. “But a staggering number of people showed up on the last day and we couldn’t keep up.”
To be fair, we shouldn’t blame the INS (wholly):
An agency official in Southern California said that Justice Department officials in Washington dictated the rules of the program and gave local authorities little leeway to determine who should be detained or released. As a result, hundreds of men with minor visa violations were handcuffed and locked up for days while officials sorted through mountains of paperwork and bail applications.
Ladies and gentlemen: again, John Ashcroft.
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