I don’t see this blog-thing as being a political blog necessarily. I mean, I do try to be PC (politically conscious, that is; “political correctness” is and always has been the shoddiest of straw men), and since I tend to hold more often than not that the personal is political—or was that the other way ’round?—I can’t help but write politically, even when what I’m nattering on about appears to be nothing more than what was on Buffy last night or the sound of Robyn Hitchcock’s guitar. (Or so I’d like to think.) —Cutting through the fog of hazy equivocations: I don’t intend to write primarily about politics, or political ramifications per se; for one thing, so many other people do it much better than I ever could, having as they do patience for such things as facts, reason, and rigorously constructed arguments (I have this weakness for glib misstatements, and tend to start ranting incoherently when allowed to go on too long. Ask anyone) and anyway and more to the point: I just have more fun over here in my corner as a gadfly, raconteur, and freelance paraliterary critic. So.
The political nature of the last couple of posts, then, I blame entirely on the pernicious influence of Barry and his ilk. Alas, a Blog is essential reading—and I’m not just saying that because I’ve known him for holy fuck fifteen years; his blogroll alone is worth keeping onscreen as an endless source of coffee-break–wasting diversions. (Leaving aside his voracious intellect, wicked sense of humor, and all the pretty pictures.)
From that blogroll, then, a new favorite: Jeralyn Merritt’s TalkLeft, an excellent argosy of “crime-related political and injustice news,” whether it’s riffing on what it was that Law & Order guy said, or contemplating the appalling microcosm found within Tabitha Pollack’s terribly contingent release. So, from TalkLeft: a link to the ACLU’s faxblast to President Bush that’ll let you speak out against the odiously un-American Total Information Awareness program. Join former Congressman and perennial right-wing nutcase Bob Barr in fighting the good fight for justice and freedom and the right to enjoy Mom’s apple pie in private.
See? Another descent into glib raillery. Sigh…
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