Also my tardinesses, as I pardon the tardinesses of others (ha). I’m walking around my brand new copy of Movable Type, kicking the tires and sniffing the new-blog smell; it’s a little naked right now, and off-the-rack, and my spanking new domain name (; do keep it in mind) still hasn’t propagated, so I’m forced to explicitly use the directory I’m piggybacking off the Spouse’s site, and I haven’t even put any links in over there yet, and the funny thing is that by the time most of you out there read this one or more of those things just won’t be true (knock wood). —Ah, ephemera.
Anyway. The content from my old hand-built journal has been re-entered herein, and flagged with categories I haven’t gotten around to organizing, so you can wander through the archives in a somewhat more orderly fashion and leave a comment if you like and even permalink, if you are so inclined. Otherwise, go read Dicebox, and remember that Barry’s a better man than I, and oh, I dunno. Leave a comment if you have an idea or a suggestion or a brickbat or something.
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Wow, new blog entries and cool ones at that. Congrats, it looks excellent.