Yes, it’s been a while. I could say the same about you, you know. Have you written? Have you called? No, you have not. It’s been hectic, you say. Yes, I’ve heard it before. And how, exactly, is that novel coming along? Or was it a screenplay? I forget.
I, at least, intend to make some sort of amends. I hereby offer up for your amusement, delectation and derision the following bit of autobiographical trivia: one of my all-time favorite movies is, yes, Joe Versus the Volcano. Go: find a copy (the video store will have it in stock, I guarantee), settle down, watch it. Better yet: pick up Rushmore and do a double feature; not that I’ve done it myself, but watching Joe again last night put me in mind of Wes Anderson and his loopily earnest mode of storytelling. Joe never quite manages Anderson’s lilting gravitas, but it’s still an interesting light by which to view the earlier flick, I think. That lack is probably what keeps Joe from being truly great.
—Hey. I said it was one of my favorites. I never said I thought it was one of the best.
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