Why does the Mercury run Maakies so small when Dwarf Attack so self-evidently sucks?
Please, dear God, someone tell me “text” isn’t poised to become the latest victim of verbification.
So if it is a “gravastar” and not a black hole, does that mean Lee Smolin’s brilliant ideas about cosmological natural selection are more or less likely? More or less testable? Anyone? (And can you come up with a name that isn’t so utterly geeky? I mean, gravastar. Come on.)
In related news, there’s a galaxy that’s spinning the wrong way, and some of that matter that’s been missing for a while turned up last year.
And I’m right, I think, in that the audience that got a kick out of Teenagers from Outer Space and Call of Cthulhu is vanishingly small in the scheme of things entire. Nonetheless—
Also, I was going to ask why nobody pays any attention to Michael Torke, but you know, I did hear “Bright Blue Music” first on NPR, and he’s done a piece for the friggin’ Olympics, so I guess they pretty much are. Still.
People who say that the art of correspondence is dying are also likely to claim that romance is dead.
Nope. Still don’t regret voting for Nader. Since 1992, thank you very much. (That didn’t come off too smug, did it? Did it?)
Oh, and, British Telecom? You can kiss my hyperlinking ass.